Baru sahaja dapat berita berlaku kemalangan teruk di Ayer Tawar 11.30 pagi tadi. Punca berlaku kemalangan adalah akibat kecuaian pegawai JPJ yang mengejar sebuah lori dan tetiba memberhentikan kereta mereka di hadapan lori tersebut. Akibat dari itu, lori tersebut terpaksa membuat brek kecemasan dan berlakulah banyak kemalangan dan ramai yang tercedera. 9 kemalangan melibatkan lori, bas sekolah, kereta, motorsikal dan juga basikal. Dengar khabar terdapat dua orang budak sekolah meninggal dan seorang penunggang basikal juga mati.
Marah dengan tindakan anggota JPJ terbabit, orang ramai terus terbalikkan kereta JPJ tersebut. Huu padan muka! tak pasal-pasal ada orang mati sebab nak tunjuk terer..dia nak buat macam dalam filem tapi tengoklah hasilnya...ish ish ish. Harap anggota tersebut meminta maaf kepada ahli keluarga mangsa.
Marah dengan tindakan anggota JPJ terbabit, orang ramai terus terbalikkan kereta JPJ tersebut. Huu padan muka! tak pasal-pasal ada orang mati sebab nak tunjuk terer..dia nak buat macam dalam filem tapi tengoklah hasilnya...ish ish ish. Harap anggota tersebut meminta maaf kepada ahli keluarga mangsa.
Komen daripada mereka.
Ayer Tawar Main Road, T-juction traffic light, beside MES School during rush hour 11.30am. Is due to man made accident (JPJ) involve 9 accident and many injured.
Angry workers, friends, familys and relatives overturn the JPJ car. Will it made headline in tomorrow newspaper? Aggresive JPJ driver should made apologize to dead family.
our transport minister will cover up for them, they will not be in feeling of guilty of causing such accident.
This is not the first case JPJ drive recklessly, they been chasing loaded or unloaded lorry like chasing criminal in Port Klang.
a school child died lah...jpj punya pasal
GREAT! Really great! I guess tomorrow the authority will blame all the cars involved in accident for driving too fast and too near to each other on a busy road, that's why accident, and not the fault of JPJ officers/driver. Terrible....
2 student(school Bus) were death from this accident, current enforcement officer nvr think of others user safety at all
that bloody JPJ SUV just cut in front of the lorry ..(bcoz suspected overloading)...the lorry had to stopped suddenly...as many vehicles are following the lorry...many could not stop in time or skidded sideway...a few school buses were also at the back of the lorry.
Sumber : Jasworld Lim
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